Charon Rakke
Durmund Priory
Mount of Choice:
Kintsugi Raptor, dyed in blues and silver.
Minipet of Choice:
Mini Hippo Calf, he's so wet!
Closer to the Stars
In his dream, Charon saw everything - and he wanted to be everything. He wanted to become one with life and death, with love and hate, with mortal life and Godhood. He's never stopped for much of anything and has commanded his way through two Elder Dragon deaths, and longs to take on actual Gods. He doesn't fear failure, because he deosn't quite know what it is and will go headfirst into most any situation that he can find. He longs to end his time as Kormir did, and become a God.
Charon is my baby, my first level 80 that I crawled to slowly over the course of 8 years for... reasons. He's based on one of my more God-moddy of OCs, and this probably reflects in his personal story pretty well.
He's the character I choose to do most everything first on, and so I am slowly working my way through the expansions with him, while all my other characters languish in Core. I'm told this isn't the best way to play, but also to play whatever way makes me happy, so I shall.
For all of, perhaps a week, Charon was a human necro, but being a Sylvari suits him so much more so I changed him pretty quickly. He did rock a more punk look for a while, but once makeovers were a thing, he got his current look and never turned back.

(I really don't know why more people don't have this hair. It rocks.)